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This past Wednesday, speaker Dr. Michael SanClements spoke to the Poly community about the history of plastic, its impact on the world, and how to combat its negative attributes.

Dr. SanClements dove into the complexities of plastics rise in the industrial world effectively providing a clearer understanding of how it came to be among the most prevalent materials in modern society. From its initial creation for a replacement of ivory billiards, to its rise in the industrial world, the so called "miracle material" quickly became a controversial material. In modern media, plastic is often portrayed negatively for its very harmful impacts on the environment. Dr. SanClements acknowledged the latter and addressed how to take steps towards a more sustainable lifestyle from making more conscious decisions about food purchases to investing in reusable water bottles.

However, Dr. SanClements also pointed out that plastic also presents a multitude of benefits. Plastic is widely used in the world of science and medicine, and therefore cannot be generalized as entirely negative. Moreover, Dr. SanClements also emphasized that a variety of different plastics exists with individual properties. Providing the Poly community with a more nuanced perspective on plastic, Dr. SanClements stood out as a leader in the combat for awareness and intelligent consumerism.

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